Monday, August 19, 2013

Crookhaven Festival

We arrived at the Crookhaven Family Festival with low expectations.  As soon as we got out of the car, we noticed a gathering of children.  They were in a line throwing a boot (a wellie) as part of a competition.  I urged Chase and Max to join the local kids - especially since no kid seemed to get the boot more than four feet in front of him or her.  When the four-year-old before us finished, the announcer stated, "is that the last lad?" and I said, "I've got two more lads to go."   Max bowed out but Chase grabbed that boot by two hands and threw with all his might.  The boot landed a good 12 feet away, more than doubling anyone else's distance.  The crowd went wild and Chase clapped right along not realizing that the announcer was talking about him is the "overall winner".  He proudly wore his medal for the rest of the night.


The rest of us clowned around and counted the fish of the fishing derby while Chase intently watched the older kids take part in the wellie competition.

Then, in an Irish sort of way, the announcer asked all the kids who "did not win a medal" to line up against the wall.  They were then asked to take part in a running race.  No winner was declared and everyone got medals.

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