Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Hurricane?

Chase and I ventured out in the "hurricane" to get some ingredients to have a baking party with Sammie - there is not really hurricane, but we did have some delicious pesto and muffins.

New Things

There have been some new things in Chase's life: a new classroom for when school starts up,

A new friend, Eleina,

And a visit to a new place, Breadloaf.

Great Aunt and Uncle

We got a visit from Aunt Pam and Uncle Story. It was really fun for Chase and Max to see them but more fun for me and Dave because they took us to the Inn at Shelburne Farms for dinner! Yum!


Brady came over to partake in Poppy and Chase's favorite pastime - fishing off the deck.

Then, we took the boys to decorate cookies at a downtown bakery.

Chase was meticulous about painting each one while Brady care more about eating the cookies.

More CSA Bounty

We are getting tons of bounty from our Intervale CSA. And, it is always fun to spend some time playing during pick-up. Even Baby Max looks forward to it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cutie Pie

Some cute water pictures courtesy of Chicken...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Food

Max was so ready to finally have a taste of his first food - avocado mixed with breast milk - yum!

Chase got the honor of giving Max his first bites!

First Painting

Steph helped Max make his first painting the other day. Yay Max!

The video below shows how tedious the process is...

River Wading

Creamery Bridge! Nothing better than swimming in Vermont rivers in the summer.

Franklin did most of the swimming.

Max chilled with Vanessa cause I was ignoring him.

Octagon Time

In honor of a visit from Aska and Poppy, we headed to the Octagon this weekend. Five dogs, three kids and nine adults. Yikes!

Alpaca Time

Highlight of the weekend for Chase? Visiting alpacas. He tried to climb in their cage.

Grateful Dead Festival

We went to the August West Grateful Dead Music festival this weekend. Glad to introduce our men to some better music than The Wiggles. But, I am not sure Jerry would have been too proud of the cover band. They struggled...

Chase took to dancing on yoga mats with some hippie kids.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Date with Chase

After watching Dave mess around with Circus Wacked on Friday, I thought I would take Chase on a date to the real circus. It was so much better than I expected. The Family Zoppe has been in the circus business for 7 generations. I felt like I was watching scenes from Water for Elephants or something. It was the perfect date with my little man....until he saw the cotton candy and giant balloons which I refused to buy him.

Chase takes spectating very seriously.

Same great (fake) smile...