Monday, January 31, 2011

Pulk Sled

Chase and Dave worked to put together a pulk sled for Dave to pull while we are cross-country skiing this weekend.

They practiced tipping over in the house and then went outside for a real test drive.

My favorite thing about this video, besides Dave's acting like some work horse, is Chase's little voice at the end saying, "more"!

Bad Behavior

For some reason, our front room tends to bring out the worst behavior in Chase. He climbs on things...

and, messes around with the printer (on top of the filing cabinet) endlessly...

and, hits things besides drums with drumsticks.

But, this is the worst.


Chase went to a music singalong with Maya this morning. He decided pretty quickly that he was going to stand up with the performer and show the other kids how its done. Now, I have never thought that Chase was shy or anything but I was still surprised that he chose to be in front of all those people.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Surprise Visit

We met up with Anna and Jon in Waterbury for apres-ski. They spent the weekend in Stowe. It was really fun to see them though Chase seemed even more fascinated by the pool table at the restaurant.

Dancey Dance

Chase (above) is tired out from all his dancing. It is hard to understand how he can be so fatigued since his best dance move does not involve any movement from the waist down. He just swings his arms all around, up and down.

Real Friends

You know someone is a true friend when she is not only willing to hang out and play but she is willing to spend time sitting on the potty with you.

Naughty, Naughty

This is Chase's "naughty face". I always know when he is into something he shouldn't be because when I catch him, he makes this fake smile. I forgot what he was doing at this moment but then I looked closer at the picture and saw the open red marker in his hand. Now, I need to go look around our walls for where he drew his masterpiece.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


We braved the frigid weather to play some pond hockey yesterday. Chase did pretty well for a while. He loves to be pushed around on the sled that Mrs. Popper gave him.

But, he soon retreated to the "warmimg" hut with Poppy. This hut was not so warm. But, Chase still enjoyed watching his daddy skate around. Poppy, on the other hand, turned into a human icicle. I guess coming from CA he did not think to wear a winter jacket, a hat, or any other defense against the cold. Good thing he has Dave's wool socks on his hands, at least.


I think that this photo speaks for itself.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Chase had Robin and Brady over to play today. These guys all were born within a month of each other. It is cool to see how much they have all grown up.

Chase was feeling a little awkward because he was sporting the Winnie-the-Pooh-naked-from-the-waist-down look. Our potty training philosophy is that pants and underwear just hinder the process (and pull-ups are just diapers with a ridiculous second name). Consequently, Chase is usually pretty much in the buff around here - even if he is entertaining.

Fun new toy from Uncle Scott and Aunt Steph. These guys make the next boy band!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Chase really dug the Biodome in Montreal. There were models of four ecosystems found in Canada. His favorites seeing the bat caves, the penguins and the lynx.

But, Chase is also really happy to be home with Louie, Cy and, of course, Poppy.

Montreal Weekend

We just got back from a great weekend in Montreal. Highlights included delicious restaurants, the hotel pool, a visit to the Biodome, and poops on the potty (no accidents!).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Longer a Baby

Chase has officially passed the baby mark. This is evident in many ways. He is so much bigger for one thing.

He now sits on the bench for dinner instead of in his high chair.

He also happily (sometimes) tries out new foods like Paella and mussels.

And, he does not wear diapers! Chase has been potty training for about a week now. At first, I kept track of successes and accidents (see chart below) but stopped as of last Sunday because we have not had a pee accident since. He is really on his way. Pooping on the potty is still a struggle though. Hope he gets that down before we head for the big city of Montreal tomorrow!

Sometimes with success come challenges. These dinner benches can be slippery, especially with seafood broth dripped all over them!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Baby's got a new set of wheels

Hey world! It's me Chase. Mommy and Daddy left me to go Darnold's wedding in Memphis. Grandy's here to take care of me. It's a little difficult adjusting, but Grandy is doing pretty well learning the ropes. And Aunt Anna and Uncle Jon came for the weekend and this morning we got to open a big box. Inside was a tricycle for me! First I had to put it together though...
Then I got to ride.
Oh yeah. Uncle Jon knows what I'm talking about.
It scares Aunt Anna when Cyrus growls at my trike.
But I think it's funny!
More later. I'm going to go for another spin.