Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bye, Pops!

We were sad to say good-bye to Poppy today.  We spent some time before his plan took off watching arrivals and departures from the observation tower.  What a view!

More Birthdays

Since we have become expert colored cake makers, we decided to try our skills again with an orange cake and blue frosting for Jakey's birthday.  This time, I ran out of confectioner's sugar so that frosting was a bit light.

Blue faces from licking the spoons!

Happy Birthday, Jake!


Chase and Max played "bus" for a while when they're car seats were inside getting re-adjusted.  Poppy was the driver (not pictured) making all sorts of obscene comments and  funny noises.

Livi's Fake Birthday

The weekend after her real birthday, Livi celebrated more with a great birthday party!

The highlight for Max = hot chocolate!

Livi's Real Birthday

We celebrated Livi's third birthday last week and realized that we've all (including Poppy) have the opportunity to be part of each of her birthday dinners.  This year, the boys and I volunteered to make a cake the colors of her choice.  Livi picked a pink cake with purple frosting.

Unfortunately, we frosted the cake before it completely cooled so the whole thing drooped a bit.

Pizza, balloons and presents helped make for a festive night.

Happy Birthday, Livi Lu!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Chase Lens

One of my favorite things about uploading photos to the computer is finding shots that Chase took when I was unaware.  Its like getting a glimpse of the important things in life...through his lens.  For example, Max on the potty above and my cooking below.


There are times when Poppy does a great job watching the boys (see above) and then there are times when I find situations like those below:


We spent the past few days in Montreal.  Somehow, the only pictures I managed to take were from the hotel pool.

And, of course, one from Dave schooling Max on the delicacy of Schwartz's.

Dinner Party

I love this pic from a recent dinner: Max is entertaining Fia with his lack of language and it  looks like the three kids were drinking from three wine glasses (not really I swear).

Oct Day 2

The next day, the boys woke early and spent time snuggling together before heading out to the Pump House.  Unfortunately, everyone was a bit under the weather so they only had a mediocre time.

The Magic Carpet

We decided to spoil Chase for his first ski of 2013 and brought him straight to Jay Peak to ride the magic carpet.  He got to try out his stylin' new gear.

The best part was that we brought friends to the Octagon and Adam got to ski with Chase.  He had an orange helmet too.  Must be all the rage with 3 year old boys this year...

The littles just had to watch.... appeased with sled rides and graham crackers.

In the afternoon, the dads enjoyed some real skiing!