Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Other highlights: wine tasting, airplane museum, first IMAX. And, fishing of course!

True Vacation

Ice cream for breakfast!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Eating Vacation

We are loving our week of eating in Portland, Oregon. The boys are traveling well and we are eating well. This could the best culinary destination on Earth!

Spring Daycare Pick-up


Every year, we take the boys bowling with some folks from Dave's work. This year, Chase scored his first strike!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Love the jay peak pump house!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


We hung out with Maeve and Jess and Chad on a beautiful day in Queen City Park. Everyone decorated Easter eggs and then thanked the chickens who laid them.

Hunts 2-4!

We had a delicious Easter breakfast with Robin and spent time looking for eggs in his backyard.

Then, we went to another gorgeous spot in Charlotte and helped Livi and Audrey find eggs at their house.  The scene was like one out of a movie - good food, good friends, and lots of cute kids.

And, lastly, we joined neighborhood kids for a hunt at Sammy's.  Poor Max!  We thought he'd have the hang of it by the late afternoon, but he was left in the big kids' dust.