Monday, May 30, 2011

Raf, The Music Man

Because Dave was not working on Memorial Day, he accompanied us to Raf, the Music Man who plays on Mondays at Kidstown. Today, the adults almost outnumbered the kids.

Even Baby Max got in on the action when it came time to crawl around like turtles.

Below, Chase is practicing howling for "In the Jungle", or whatever the name of this song is. His howl is getting pretty good.


Chase loved coming to watch me play hockey this weekend. It was so hot that the cool ice arena was a welcome relief.

Weekend Snapshot

Chase and Max enjoyed some time at a local playground. Chase peed on some trees and Max just peed in his diaper.

Chase also got to spend some time with Lydia. They both are practicing their camera smiles.

But, a highlight of the weekend was licking the spatula that I used to free a chocolate cake from its pan. Mmmmm!

In case you do not speak Chase talk, he is telling Louie to go "upstairs" after he finishes eating. Once Louie obeys, Chase says, "thank you". Then he asks me, "what are you doing, Mommy?".

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Baby Max

Love this photo Aska took of Max today!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Band

Pedro and Chase are considering starting a band together. In this duo, Chase seems to have all the talent - he is the lead singer and plays two instruments.

Not a Newborn

Max sure is growing up. I think that he is 11 or 12 weeks old now. He is such a little man!


Chase played with stickers the other day with Steph while we were out listening to music. Humming bird!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Big Truck Day!

Wow, our Saturdays sure have changed. While we used to sleep late and enjoy brunch somewhere, now we rush out to see some local, government vehicles.

We went to Big Truck Day! at a local daycare center/pre-school. Chase got to ride on a police motorcycle,

hang out in a fire engine,

check out the view from a school bus,

drive the big steering wheel,

and dance to good music.

Max just got to be held and he got to nurse once.

Good Friends

We've been so lucky to have had a visit from Pedro this week. And, Aaron and Cassandra came for dinner and to play cards. Girls kicked boys' butts.

Video above shows Aaron entertaining the adults while Chase is being entertained by the rain in the video below.


I went back to work on Fridays so Max stays home with Steph. This week, he had a photo shoot and a playdate. Good thing Steph takes pics of Max cause I always forget to...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lap Infants

Children under two can travel free on a parent's lap on a flight. That is the main reason why we chose this time to travel - Chase is still only 22 months old. But, you should have seen the looks we got from the other passengers as we boarded.

I managed to capture the mayhem of two babies in the above picture. (To be fair, Max traveled for most of the trip on Aska's lap so we four hands on only one baby.)

Then, Chase took the pictures below of his mother and brother.

Two peas in a pod...


Check out the Russian Speedo Guy behind Chase. He wore almost nothing (his kid was naked) while Chase was covered head-to-toe on the beach.

Proud Moments

Chase was very proud of the facts that he wore his towel "like a man" and that he did all his "poop potty!".

Max was proud that he did not get any sunburn despite not being able to wear sunscreen. We are big believers in the pediatrician recommendation of no lotions, scents, creams, or sunscreen on little baby skin but it sure makes UVA protection at beach time interesting.

The Crane

Our friend recommended The Crane Hotel in Barbados. It was such a great call. We loved this beach and, in the afternoon, enjoyed the several pools on the property. Instant entertainment for Chase.