Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Max is getting cuter by the minute!

He now refuses to sit and has moves straight to standing or trying desperately to crawl. Watch out world!

Chase Time

On Friday, Chase and I went on a special adventure. Our time together ended with my late realization that Chase had a fever. He ended up being sick straight through the weekend. Poor guy!

Chase and I each took portraits of each other.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Baby-sitter Date

Dave and I spent a night away from the boys (at Shelburne Farms). Max chilled out so that Chase and Steph could make cookies for a date with Sammy.

Chocolate, hockey, and sliding is a lot of fun!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oldie but Goodie

I found this video from the very beginning of the summer - before Chase was two. He had started climbing out of his crib and I wanted to convince him that only an adult could life him out. He should not climb out on his own accord. Unfortunately, I did not make much progress. Within a few weeks, we were in a "big boy" bed.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Neighbor Dinner

Sammy watched Max while I got ready for our impromptu neighbors dinner. We had six adults and four kids and two dogs. One of the best parts about life right now is having friends to share in it with us.

Harvest Festival

We really love the Shelburne Farms Harvest Festival. Highlights include: a big pumpkin, cremees, and hay rides.

Working Out

Baby Max cheered Chase on as he made the rounds at the gym...

First, he pumped iron.

Then, he got some cardio on the stationary bike and the treadmill.

Blue Toes

Chase started begging to have his toenails painted blue recently. He noticed that other people paint their nails and decided that he wanted to try out some blue polish. I came home on Friday to see that he and Steph had engaged in a post-nap pedicure.


Max has been enjoying swinging time with Steph and Maeve while I've been at work this week.

Super psyched!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day at the Berkshires

Our weekend at the Berkshires included a lot of hiking. Max sure got used to the Ergo! He was a trooper and slept through much of the walks.

We also spent time on the lake; Grandy watched from afar.

Lobster dinner was a highlight, even for Max who had none to eat.

Fishing and lawn-mowing and swinging....

Another hike up the Cobble...Louie only looks so adoringly at Chase cause he hopes he'll get a bite of PB&J.

Rabbit Ear Pass!

The weekend ended with a crazy dance!