Monday, November 29, 2010

Shelburne Farms in Winter

Poppy and Chase really enjoyed the winter landscape at Shelburne Farms. There were plenty of animals that needed to be pet and delicious bread to buy at the O Bakery.


We shared a great Thanksgiving spread with the Gurtmans and Poppy Steve. It was a bit tough to fit seven adults and two babies around the table but also a lot of fun.

We tried to burn off the extra calories with long walks and yard work...


Chase had another super fun sick day last week when he was diagnosed with an ear infection. Aska brought Cody over and the Chase had a great time torturing him.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Maya got back at Chase by poking him in the eye.

Go, Chase!


Chase's friend Maya came to visit. At first, he was a bit shy. But, then he went in for a kiss...

Over and over again. We start 'em young around here.

Afterward, Chase felt a little shy but Maya was excited.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bowling Lessons

Rolling Deep

Chase experienced the bowling alley for the first time today. We are on a late-night Wednesday bowling league that couldn't meet this week. So, we pre-bowled tonight and Chase got to join. He could not get over all the balls. He also liked the bowling alley food - we had to teach him to refrain from eating with his bowling hand.

He did not quite get that these balls were not made for kicking. It must have hurt his feet to kick around 5-7lbs hard bowling balls.

More Raking

Chase had fun playing with his aunt and uncle while his dad raked and raked. Every year, Burlington Public Works picks up residents' bags of leaves on a certain day in November. That day is tomorrow. Consequently, there was a raking madness sweeping through the neighborhood.

Here, Chase is showing off his chair dancing skills.....

Hiking with Uncle

Jon and Anna came to visit for the most beautiful of beautiful Fall weekends. While the boys were enjoying the warm weather on a hike, Anna and I relaxed at the spa and swam in an outdoor pool. What a great weekend!

Yogurt-eating skills

Last week, Livi and Chase had a yogurt eating contest. Chase won the prize for "All-time Messiest Eater".

Sunday, November 7, 2010


You know it is really autumn, when you're raking leaves in every spare moment.....

...enjoying the first fire of the season....

...and getting super bundled up every time you go out.

Chase's communication is getting really good. In this video, he signs "please" and "more" but then gets frustrated when he does not know the word for "outside". I feel like I can almost watch his brain ticking as he tries to be part of conversation.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Baby Dem

We skipped nap today to accompany Cassandra to the Democratic Rally at UVM. Chase was completely awed by all the people and the excitement. Joe Biden came to campaign and it was quite amazing to see the Vice-President up-close and personal.

He used a water fountain for the first time with success and allowed all the campaign managers dress him up in stickers.

Here is Chase pondering over Peter Shumlin, gubernatorial candidate, in the background.

Ride 'Em Cowboy