Monday, July 26, 2010


We kinda forgot to take any pics once we got to Bozeman. The few we have are from the State Fair that was taking place downtown. Chase especially liked petting the pigs. I liked watching a huge woman judge the quality of the livestock. Steve (who was there to watch Chase while we went to the wedding) liked the pulled pork.

Overall, the trip was great. The best part? Chase made it through 11 hours of flying without crying at all. He made friends with the passengers around us and sat with them instead. Honestly, we saw him for a fraction of the flight - especially last night when a cute college girl was behind us. Chase spent the majority of the flight on her lap snuggled in.

Here are 2 videos that demonstrate our superior parenting skills. The first shows Dave (trying) setting off a potato gun about three feet away from Chase. We spent a lot of time and competitive energy with that potato gun. Hopefully, Chase's hearing is still intact. The second shows our attempt at a 4-person round of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Chase was a bit overtired and whiney after a late fishing expedition. This song certainly cheered him up!


Cassandra introduced Chase to the art of flyfishing. He was not that good.

He did better at a different kind of "fishing". Chase dove into the depths of this cooler for bottle caps. He was very successful at that.


We went to Montana for our friend Conor's wedding over the weekend. But, first, we stopped off at Cassandra & Aaron's ranch in Cameron, MT. It was so nice. Chase loved it though the time change was a bit rough in the mornings when he wanted to get up at 5am.

Thanks for this cute outfit, Steph!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Cyrus has been perfecting his getaway...

Last Day

On our last night of vacation, we went to the Outermost Inn for a great dinner. Thanks for baby-sitting Grandy!

Chase sported his Red Sox outfit while he tried out his new crayons. This was just one of the many birthday gifts from his generous aunt and uncle. Thanks!

Chase enjoyed his last beach day. For added sun coverage, he used Aunt Anna's hat cause it was bigger than the one he brought.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Farmer 4 A Day

We went to a The Farm Institute today where we took a pretty budget tour.

The highlight was the fat pig. Chase poked her in the butt a few times which was funny.

Then, we saw a lot of chicks which made us think of our crazy friend, Aska, and her horse farm that has been overtaken by poultry.

Farmer's Market Ranked

At the Farmer's Market, Chase especially liked the hairy tops of scallions. He thought those were pretty funny. He liked the "big boy" swing and last he liked the flowers.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More Birthdays!

Chase got to celebrate two more birthdays this week. He has become a pro-present opener and birthday hat wearer.

He loved this "singing" card that my mom got for her birthday!


Daddy, I LOVE/MISS U !

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Over the weekend, Uncle Jon and Aunt Anna came back for more fun. For his birthday, Anna gave Chase a Yukata that she got on her trip to Japan. He loved showing his off with Uncle Jon's matching one. Then, we made it to the beach for a little play time before Chase ended up developing a fever and becoming a real mess of a kid. Consequently, there are no pics of Sunday or Monday.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Birthday Part 2

Chase ended his first birthday with a bang - pizza, cake, and presents!

I made Chase a banana cake with cream cheese frosting. Even though Uncle Jon never thought I would do it, I even added real sugar which Chase got a taste of for the first time today. He liked it a lot but the dogs still managed to eat about half his serving.