Sunday, January 31, 2010


We are thinking that Chase has a childhood illness called RSV. Basically, it is like a cold that affects the respiratory system. He has been pretty much under-the-weather. But, this kid likes to smile and laugh even when he is feeling poorly.

Sitting up makes it easier to help Dave in the kitchen.

Field Trip

Chase left the Y early last Thursday cause he was feeling sick. But, he seemed happy enough to go on a field trip to his baby-sitter's home. He spent time eating nice organic peas that she cooked up for him and then taking a snooze on her bed. Chase likes field trips!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Family Photo


Chase enjoyed the airplane ride, was a good sport at a brunch, ate lunch in the clubhouse, and took many walks. But, his favorite adventure was hanging out in Nana's pool. He even had fun in the blow-up pool toys when they were out of the water.

Ponce de Leon

Four generations of Ross/Gurtman men spent time bonding.

Nana had so much fun helping Chase "discover" Florida. She picked oranges with him and even though he was not allowed to eat them, he liked the citric smell.

Thawing out

Chase weathered some really cold temperatures last week so he was excited to hear that we were taking a trip to Florida.

He dressed up like a piece of roller luggage and was so happy to meet up with his Papa in Newark.

Monday, January 18, 2010

2 Great Things

Two great things happened to Chase in the past 24hrs. The first was that his baby-sitter got back into town which meant that he got a much needed break from his parents. And, the second was that his friend Brady came over for a playdate. So much fun! The dogs enjoyed it too.

Funny Faces

Chase and his dad made some funny faces yesterday. Chase is in such good spirits lately, he will put up with anything.

Below is a picture of his new tooth nub.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I seem like such a dodo in this video but we have been told that we are supposed to act super excited every time Chase tries a new food. He never seems to react as much as we do. VERY IMPORTANT - if you slowly drag the cursor through the first second or two of the video, you can see Chase's tooth. It is his bottom right.


Chase is getting pretty good at helping/dealing with chores. He sits in the basket while I fold laundry (we produce SO MUCH laundry),

he waits happily while I clean up dishes from last night's gathering,

he plays while I eat breakfast,

and, he helps me make his lunch. I spend a ton of time making baby food nowadays. It seems that, every couple of days, the food processor comes out and we are re-supplying Chase's stash of fruits and vegetables. Today, we made green beans and mangoes. Maybe I should give up and resort to jars.....but, at this point, I am holding out.

14lb Ham (No Pun Intended)

Yesterday night, we had many friends over to feast on the pork shoulder that we got from our 1/2 pig share. It was lots of fun and we made tons of good food. Chase has been practicing "talking" which basically means holding one syllable for a second or two - sounds more like a moan than a word. Here are some friends practicing with him......Chase is a ham, too, but he weighs more like 16lbs.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


On my way to work this morning, I got a call that Chase's daycare closed due to a lack of heat in the building so I turned around to spend the morning with my little man. I found out last week that Chase's teacher actually has a curriculum that she follows to work on Chase's social, emotional and physical development. Today's lesson was "sitting time" so I worked on it at home. Needless to say, we've mastered that one!

Watch out Louie! Chase has gotten his first tooth - bottom front!

Sucking Food

In case you are confused, this picture above does not look anything like Chase in real life. My sister said that he is like a chameleon, always changing his look in pictures. I agree.

The video below is just to illustrate the weird world of baby-feeding. Chase's "ice cream cone" is really a mesh bag on a handle filled with banana and peaches. He loves to take it down.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Dave, Chase and I went to Lake Placid for our 5 year Wedding Anniversary and Chase's 6 month birthday. But, we forgot our camera! Above is a picture from my droid. We went to the Olympic Center to watch ski jumpers training for the World Cup.

When we got home, we set Chase up at his Activity Center. I used to veto plastic, but now I think we will do anything to keep him entertained!

Shout out to our friends E & E!